Monday, December 5, 2016

Unwined has Unwound. There will be no whining.

I have to admit - the owners of this place must have had balls of Kryptonite to open up here. This place has been at least 5 restaurants in the last 8 years. Nothing sticks - and nothing ever will. This location must be truly haunted - it is in a busy mall with lots of parking. I think the problem is that nobody works around there anymore. For crissakes the Jack In the Box across the street has been closed for 5 years! If it wasn't for Safeway anchoring the site, this end of Ahwatukee would close down. There needs to be a reason for people that DON'T live here to come down here to spend money. And there is nothing on this corner that even comes close. I hate to say "I told you so" but, I told you so. Unwined has unwound and has joined the choir invisible. Death is working overtime in Ahwatukee this year. Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!


  1. My girlfriend and I have noticed that every time a restaurant in that location puts up their second permanent sign (one facing Desert Foothills and the other facing Chandler), they close within days. So whenever a new restaurant opens at that location, we warn them not to put up that second sign. But they never listen.

  2. That is indeed true - they sure know how to die on that corner....
